Author: admin

15 minutes daily exercise may be reasonable target in older adults

Fifteen minutes of daily exercise is associated with a 22% lower risk of death and may be a reasonable target for older adults, reveals research presented today at the EuroPRevent 2016 meeting by Dr David Hupin, a physician in the Department of Clinical and Exercise Physiology, University Hospital of Saint-Etienne in Saint-Etienne, France. “Age is […]

Chronic sleep restriction negatively affects athletic performance

A new study found that chronic sleep restriction negatively affects athletic performance. Results show that following sleep restriction, energy expenditure during submaximal exercise decreased 3.9 percent; maximal aerobic power decreased 2.9 percent and time to exhaustion decreased by 10.7 percent (37 seconds). Submaximal heart rate decreased after sleep restriction, as well as peak heart rate […]

Healthy Lifestyle Helps Adults With Diabetes

Adults at risk for type 2 diabetes or heart disease or both can substantially increase their physical activity levels through participating in a lifestyle intervention program developed at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health for use in community-settings, such as senior centers or worksites. Previous studies have demonstrated that such programs decrease […]

Physical activity builds stronger bones, even in children with genetic risk

Exercise, particularly high-impact activity, builds stronger bones in children, even for those who carry genetic variants that predispose them to bone weakness, according to new research. The scientists say their findings underscore that genetics does not necessarily equate to destiny, and reinforce the importance of physical activity as a key factor to improve the bone […]

Best way to improve muscle strength

Engaging in short, explosive leg contractions is the most effective way of strengthening muscles, Loughborough research reveals. The study, led by Dr Jonathan Folland, Reader in Human Performance and Neuromuscular Physiology at Loughborough University, is the first to directly compare short, explosive contractions lasting less than one second with sustained contractions lasting three seconds. Strength […]

Running may be better than cycling for long-term bone health

Exercise that puts greater strain on bones, like running, may improve long-term bone health more effectively than non weight-bearing activities like cycling, conclude the authors of a new study measuring the hormones of mountain ultra-marathon runners. The results of the study are presented today at the European Congress of Endocrinology. Previous research from the Istituto […]

Another Reason to Stay Active as We Age

If you’re an avid runner, logging dozens of miles every week and you happen to be over 65, odds are you’re burning oxygen at nearly the same rate as a runner in her 20s. Scientists call this rate of oxygen consumption “running economy” and a new study by HSU Kinesiology Professor Justus Ortega and his […]